Horticulture Course Catalog

1st Class
2024-2025 Fall Semester
Course Code Course Name Browse T A ECTS
TB 113 Basic Information Technology Usage 1 2 4
ZTB105 Botany 2 2 4
MAT001 Calculus 3 0 3
KRYP01 Career Planning 1 0 2
KMY003 Chemistry 2 2 4
ZTB101 Economics 3 0 3
YDİ101 Foreign Language I (English) 2 0 2
FZK116 Physics 3 0 4
ATİ101 Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkish Revolution I 2 0 2
TDİ101 Turkish Language I 2 0 2
Total ECTS: 30
2024-2025 Spring Semester
Course Code Course Name Browse T A ECTS
ZTB120 Basic Genetics 2 0 3
ZTB108 Ecology 3 0 3
YDİ102 Foreign Language II (English) 2 0 2
TB 104 Introduction To Computer Science 2 2 4
ZTB111 Meteorology 2 0 2
ZTB112 Organic chemistry 2 2 4
ATİ102 Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkish Revolution II 2 0 2
ZTB124 Professional Ethics 1 0 1
ZMO102 Soil Science 2 2 3
ZTB110 Systematics of Plants 2 2 4
TDİ102 Turkish Language II 2 0 2
Total ECTS: 30
2nd Class
2024-2025 Fall Semester
Course Code Course Name Browse T A ECTS
ZMO207 Agricultural Mechanization 2 2 3
ZMO209 Agricultural Structures and Irrigation 2 2 3
ZMO215 Cereals and Industrial Crops 2 2 3
ZMO205 Food Science and Technology 2 0 3
ZTM201 Material Science 2 0 2
ZTB203 Plant Physiology 2 0 4
ZMO201 Plant Protection 2 2 3
ZTB119 Statistics 1 2 4
İSGL101 Work Health and Safety at Work I 2 0 2
ZMO211 Zootechnics 2 2 3
Total ECTS: 30
2024-2025 Spring Semester
Course Code Course Name Browse T A ECTS
ZMO217 Agricultural Biotechnology 3 0 3
ZMO208 Agricultural Economics and Management 2 2 4
ZBB204 General Vegetable Growing 1 2 3
ZTB212 Geographical Information Systems 2 0 3
ZBB206 Pasture and Meadow Forage Crops 2 0 3
ZMO224 Plant Nutrition and Fertilization 2 0 3
ZBB202 Principles of Pomology 2 0 3
ZMO206 Research and Trial Methods 1 2 3
ZTM202 Thermodynamics 2 0 3
İSGL102 Work Health and Safety at Work II 2 0 2
Total ECTS: 30
3rd Class
2024-2025 Fall Semester
Course Code Course Name Browse T A ECTS
ZTB209 Computer Aided Design 2 2 4
ZBB307 General Viticulture 1 2 3
ZBB303 Greenhouse Agriculture I 1 2 5
ZBB301 Horticulture Organization I 0 4 3
ZTM205 Mass and Energy Balance 2 0 2
ZBB305 Organic Agriculture in Horticulture 3 0 4
Elective 6
ZSBB 309 Advances in Greenhouse Growing 3 0 3
ZSBB 307 Establishing New Vegetable Garden 3 0 3
ZSBB 315 est and Storage of Horticultural Crops 3 0 3
ZSBB 311 Grape Quality Criteria 3 0 3
ZSBB 314 Grape Varieties 3 0 3
ZSBB 301 Organic Agriculture in Horticulture 3 0 3
ZSBB 304 Plant Breeding 3 0 3
ZSBB 305 Plant Growth Regulators 3 0 3
ZSBB 302 Professional English 2 0 3
ZSBB 316 Quality Criteria and Standardization in Garden Products 3 0 3
ZSBB 303 Seedling Prop. in soil Based and Soilless Media andHyd. Agriculture in Green. 3 0 3
ZSBB 313 Viticulture and Environmental Relations 3 0 3
Elective 0
UNİSEC-ZF 001 New Cultivars 2 0 3
Elective(From Other Department) You Can Take Courses 3 ECTS from Elective(From Other Department) 3
ZSTA301 Alternative Forage Crops(Ziraat Fak.-Tar.Bitk.) 2 0 3
ZSTA321 Alternative Oil Plants(Ziraat Fak.-Tar.Bitk.) 2 0 3
ZSTA309 Biodiversity in Grass Pastures(Ziraat Fak.-Tar.Bitk.) 2 0 3
ZSTA307 Biofuels and Energy Crops(Ziraat Fak.-Tar.Bitk.) 2 0 3
ZSBK347 Botanical insecticides(Ziraat Fak.-Btk.Kor.) 2 0 3
ZSTA308 Dye and Cosmetics Plants(Ziraat Fak.-Tar.Bitk.) 2 0 3
ZSTA311 Experimatal Design and Computer Analysis(Ziraat Fak.-Tar.Bitk.) 2 0 3
ZSZO305 Experimental Animal Production(Ziraat Fak.-Zootek.) 3 0 3
ZSTO113 Fertilization of Horticultural Plants(Ziraat Fak.-Top.Bil.Bit.Bes.) 3 0 3
ZSTA314 Flow cytometer and applications in agriculture(Ziraat Fak.-Tar.Bitk.) 2 0 3
ZSTA318 Forage Crops Breeding(Ziraat Fak.-Tar.Bitk.) 2 0 3
ZSZO310 Functional Animal Food Production(Ziraat Fak.-Zootek.) 3 0 3
ZSBK348 General Principles of Herbology(Ziraat Fak.-Btk.Kor.) 2 0 3
ZSGM 514 Marketing of Agricultural and Food Products(Ziraat Fak.-Gıd.Müh.) 2 0 3
TAB 311 Medical and Aromatic Plants (Ziraat Fak.-Tar.Bitk.) 2 0 3
ZSTA306 Nanotechnological Applications of Plant Breeding(Ziraat Fak.-Tar.Bitk.) 2 0 3
ZSBK351 Oil Plant Diseases and Management Methods(Ziraat Fak.-Btk.Kor.) 2 0 3
ZSTA316 Organic Farming(Ziraat Fak.-Tar.Bitk.) 2 0 3
ZSTA302 Plant Growth and Development(Ziraat Fak.-Tar.Bitk.) 2 0 3
ZSBK346 Plant Protection Products Dealer and Wholesaler onAgricutural Pets(Ziraat Fak.-Btk.Kor.) 2 0 3
ZSTA305 Plant Sociology(Ziraat Fak.-Tar.Bitk.) 2 0 3
ZSBK349 Plant virus and viroid diseases and their control strategies(Ziraat Fak.-Btk.Kor.) 2 0 3
ZSTBT319 Pollination with Bees(Ziraat Fak.-Tar.Bytek.) 3 0 3
ZSTE302 Preparation of greenhouse projects(Ziraat Fak.-Tar.Ek.) 2 2 3
ZSTA315 Professional english(Ziraat Fak.-Tar.Bitk.) 2 0 3
ZSTA304 Quality in Plant Production(Ziraat Fak.-Tar.Bitk.) 2 0 3
ZSTA310 Rangeland and Forage Crops Quality(Ziraat Fak.-Tar.Bitk.) 2 0 3
ZSTA319 Seed Production in Forage Crops(Ziraat Fak.-Tar.Bitk.) 2 0 3
ZSTA317 Silage and Silage Crops(Ziraat Fak.-Tar.Bitk.) 2 0 3
ZSTA313 Special Methods in Breeding Industrial Plants(Ziraat Fak.-Tar.Bitk.) 2 0 3
ZSTA322 Use of Artificial Intelligence in Plant Growing(Ziraat Fak.-Tar.Bitk.) 2 0 3
ZSTBT321 Uses of Molecular Markers in Plant Breeding(Ziraat Fak.-Tar.Bytek.) 3 0 3
Elective(Over All University) You Can Take Courses 3 ECTS from Elective 3
UNİSEC-İHF 010 Advanced Ottoman Turkish(İlahiyat Fak.-İlahiyat) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-FEF 007 Anatolian Cultural History and Archeology(Fen - Edebiyat Fak.-arkeo) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-İHF 011 Andalusian Civilization(İlahiyat Fak.-İlahiyat) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-FEF 004 Basic Japanese(Fen - Edebiyat Fak.-Alm.Dil.Ed.) 2 0 3
UNİSEC302 Basic Japanese(Fen - Edebiyat Fak.-Alm.Dil.Ed.) 4 0 4
UNİSEC-CMF 004 Climate Information(Çorlu Müh. Fak.-Çevr.Müh.) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-HF 001 Communication and Social Media Law(Hukuk Fakültesi-Hukuk) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-İHF 001 Current Faith Problems(İlahiyat Fak.-İlahiyat) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-CMF 012 Electric Vehicles(Çorlu Müh. Fak.-Mak.Müh.) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-İBF 009 entrepreneurship(İktisadi ve İdari Bil. Fak.-İşlt.) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-ZF 006 entrepreneurship(Ziraat Fak.-Tar.Ek.) 2 0 3
HUK3107 Environmental Law(Hukuk Fakültesi-Hukuk) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-CMF 005 Environmental Policies in the EU and Turkey(Çorlu Müh. Fak.-Çevr.Müh.) 2 0 3
BYLB125 Environment and Society(Fen - Edebiyat Fak.-Biyoloji) 3 0 3
UNİSEC-ZF 005 Functional Foods(Ziraat Fak.-Gıd.Müh.) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-FEF 021 History and Geography of Agriculture(Fen - Edebiyat Fak.-Coğrafya) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-İHF 012 History and Geography of Islamic Countries(İlahiyat Fak.-İlahiyat) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-FEF 018 History of civilization(Fen - Edebiyat Fak.-Tarih) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-FEF 011 History of Thought(Fen - Edebiyat Fak.-Fra.Dil.Ed.) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-ZF 014 Hobby Poultry Production(Ziraat Fak.-Zootek.) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-ZF 007 Honey Bee Breeding Techniques(Ziraat Fak.-Tar.Bytek.) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-VEF 002 Human-Animal Bond and Interaction(Veteriner Fak.-Veteriner) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-CMF 007 Introduction to Fundamentals of Electrotechnics(Çorlu Müh. Fak.-Elek-Elektro Müh.) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-İHF 004 Introduction to Reading the Quran(İlahiyat Fak.-İlahiyat) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-ZF 012 Life and Survival in Nature(Ziraat Fak.-Top.Bil.Bit.Bes.) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-VEF 003 Medical Terminology(Veteriner Fak.-Veteriner) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-ZF 010 Medicinal and Aromatic Plants(Ziraat Fak.-Tar.Bitk.) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-ZF 013 Organic Animal Production(Ziraat Fak.-Zootek.) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-ZF 009 Organic farming(Ziraat Fak.-Tar.Bitk.) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-CMF 002 Orthopedic and Dental Materials(Çorlu Müh. Fak.-Biyomed.Müh.) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-GSF 006 Picture from the Viewer´s Perspective(Güz. San.,Tas. ve Mim. Fak.-Resim) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-ZF 008 Plant Genetic Resources(Ziraat Fak.-Tar.Bytek.) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-CMF 010 Research and Reporting Techniques(Çorlu Müh. Fak.-İnş.Müh.) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-VEF 001 Residue and Public Health(Veteriner Fak.-Veteriner) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-SBF 001 Risk Management in Disasters(S.B.F-Ac.Yrd.Af.Yön) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-İBF 011 Social Life Women and Economy(İktisadi ve İdari Bil. Fak.-Maliye) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-GSF 010 Sociology in Movies(Güz. San.,Tas. ve Mim. Fak.-Radyo,Televizyon ve Sinema) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-FEF 023 Sociology of Consumption(Fen - Edebiyat Fak.-Sosyoloji) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-TMDK 001 Turkish Music I(Türk Müziği Devlet Kons.-Çalgı Eğitimi) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-İBF 016 War and Order in the Middle East(İktisadi ve İdari Bil. Fak.-Ulus.İliş.) 2 0 3
Total ECTS: 30
2024-2025 Spring Semester
Course Code Course Name Browse T A ECTS
ZBB304 Greenhouse Crops Production II 1 2 3
ZBB302 Horticulture Organization II 0 4 3
Staj01 Internship 0 2 5
ZBB312 Pest and Diseases in Horticultural Crops 2 2 3
ZBB310 Pruning and Nursery Methods in Pomology 1 2 3
ZBB308 Pruning and Sapling Technigues in Viticulture 1 2 2
ZTB217 Smart Agriculture 2 0 3
ZBB306 Vegetable Seed Production 1 2 2
Elective 3
ZSBB 310 Advances in Greenhouse Growing 3 0 3
ZSBB 307 Establishing New Vegetable Garden 3 0 3
ZSBB 312 Establishing New Vineyard 3 0 3
ZSBB 315 est and Storage of Horticultural Crops 3 0 3
ZSBB 314 Grape Varieties 3 0 3
UNİSEC-ZF 001 New Cultivars 2 0 3
ZSBB 301 Organic Agriculture in Horticulture 3 0 3
ZSBB 304 Plant Breeding 3 0 3
ZSBB 305 Plant Growth Regulators 3 0 3
ZSBB 302 Professional English 2 0 3
ZSBB 316 Quality Criteria and Standardization in Garden Products 3 0 3
ZSBB 303 Seedling Prop. in soil Based and Soilless Media andHyd. Agriculture in Green. 3 0 3
ZSBB 313 Viticulture and Environmental Relations 3 0 3
Elective(From Other Department) You Can Take Courses 3 ECTS from Elective(From Other Department) 3
ZSTE305 Agricultural Economics(Ziraat Fak.-Tar.Ek.) 3 0 3
ZSTE307 Agricultural Marketing(Ziraat Fak.-Tar.Ek.) 2 0 3
ZSBK347 Botanical insecticides(Ziraat Fak.-Btk.Kor.) 2 0 3
ZSTO121 Cartography(Ziraat Fak.-Top.Bil.Bit.Bes.) 3 0 3
ZSTE304 European Union and Turkey Agricultural Policies(Ziraat Fak.-Tar.Ek.) 3 0 3
ZSZO305 Experimental Animal Production(Ziraat Fak.-Zootek.) 3 0 3
ZSTO103 Fertilization of Field Crops(Ziraat Fak.-Top.Bil.Bit.Bes.) 3 0 3
ZSZO310 Functional Animal Food Production(Ziraat Fak.-Zootek.) 3 0 3
ZSBK344 Fungal diseases on greenhouse plants(Ziraat Fak.-Btk.Kor.) 2 0 3
ZSBK348 General Principles of Herbology(Ziraat Fak.-Btk.Kor.) 2 0 3
STAB318 Medical and Aromatic Plants(Ziraat Fak.-Tar.Bitk.) 2 0 3
ZSBK346 Plant Protection Products Dealer and Wholesaler onAgricutural Pets(Ziraat Fak.-Btk.Kor.) 2 0 3
ZSTBT319 Pollination with Bees(Ziraat Fak.-Tar.Bytek.) 3 0 3
ZSTE351 Producer Organizations(Ziraat Fak.-Tar.Ek.) 2 0 3
ZSTA304 Quality in Plant Production(Ziraat Fak.-Tar.Bitk.) 2 0 3
ZSBK350 Small Fruit and Grapevine Diseases(Ziraat Fak.-Btk.Kor.) 2 0 3
ZSTE303 Social Entrepreneurship Applications(Ziraat Fak.-Tar.Ek.) 3 0 3
ZSTO125 Soil Erosion and Fertility(Ziraat Fak.-Top.Bil.Bit.Bes.) 3 0 3
ZSTA313 Special Methods in Breeding Industrial Plants(Ziraat Fak.-Tar.Bitk.) 2 0 3
ZSTBT321 Uses of Molecular Markers in Plant Breeding(Ziraat Fak.-Tar.Bytek.) 3 0 3
Elective(Over All University) You Can Take Courses 3 ECTS from Elective 3
APT304 Apitherapy(Veteriner Fak.-Veteriner) 1 0 3
UNİSEC-FEF 006 Basic Archeology Information(Fen - Edebiyat Fak.-arkeo) 2 0 3
CMSB308 Climatology(Çorlu Müh. Fak.-Çevr.Müh.) 3 0 5
UNİSEC-HF 002 Consumer Rights and Protection(Hukuk Fakültesi-Hukuk) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-İHF 001 Current Faith Problems(İlahiyat Fak.-İlahiyat) 2 0 3
ÇEKO405 Employee Health and Safety(İktisadi ve İdari Bil. Fak.-Çal.Eko.End.İlş) 3 0 5
ÇEKO405 Employee Health and Safety(İktisadi ve İdari Bil. Fak.-Çal.Eko.End.İlş) 3 0 5
UNİSEC-ZF 006 entrepreneurship(Ziraat Fak.-Tar.Ek.) 2 0 3
İŞLB810 Entrepreneurship II (İktisadi ve İdari Bil. Fak.-İşlt.) 3 0 5
CMSB305 Environmental Policies in EU and Turkey(Çorlu Müh. Fak.-Çevr.Müh.) 3 0 5
İŞLB611 Financial Management(İktisadi ve İdari Bil. Fak.-İşlt.) 3 0 5
UNİSEC-ZF 005 Functional Foods(Ziraat Fak.-Gıd.Müh.) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-FEF 010 History of Science(Fen - Edebiyat Fak.-Fizik) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-ZF 014 Hobby Poultry Production(Ziraat Fak.-Zootek.) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-ZF 007 Honey Bee Breeding Techniques(Ziraat Fak.-Tar.Bytek.) 2 0 3
İFS818 Introduction to Arabic(İlahiyat Fak.-İlahiyat) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-ZF 012 Life and Survival in Nature(Ziraat Fak.-Top.Bil.Bit.Bes.) 2 0 3
İFS815 Main Topics in the Qur´an(İlahiyat Fak.-İlahiyat) 2 0 3
VMF104 Medical Photography(Veteriner Fak.-Veteriner) 1 1 3
UNİSEC-ZF 013 Organic Animal Production(Ziraat Fak.-Zootek.) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-ZF 008 Plant Genetic Resources(Ziraat Fak.-Tar.Bytek.) 2 0 3
İFS814 Reading the Qur´an and Tajwid(İlahiyat Fak.-İlahiyat) 2 0 3
IMSB422 Research and Reporting Techniques(Çorlu Müh. Fak.-İnş.Müh.) 3 0 5
MİMS027 Research Methods(Güz. San.,Tas. ve Mim. Fak.-Mimarlık) 3 0 3
İFS817 Siyer-i Nebi(İlahiyat Fak.-İlahiyat) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-TMDK 001 Turkish Music I(Türk Müziği Devlet Kons.-Çalgı Eğitimi) 2 0 3
MLYB701 Turkish Tax System I(İktisadi ve İdari Bil. Fak.-Maliye) 3 0 5
CMSB301 Urbanization and Environmental Impacts(Çorlu Müh. Fak.-Çevr.Müh.) 3 0 5
Total ECTS: 30
4th Class
2024-2025 Fall Semester
Course Code Course Name Browse T A ECTS
ZTM401 Design in Agricultural Engineering 3 0 5
ZBB401 Horticultural Breeding 2 2 3
ZBB403 Special Vegetables I 2 2 5
ZBB411 Storage of Horticultural Plants and Preparing for Marketing 3 0 3
ZBB407 Subtropic Fruit Species 1 2 3
ZBB405 Temperate Fruit Species I 3 0 4
ZBB409 Viticulture I 2 2 4
Elective 3
ZSBB 411 Grape Drying Technique 3 0 3
ZSBB 412 Grapevine Biology 3 0 3
ZSBB 403 Growing Media, Fertilization And Watering InGreenhouse 3 0 3
ZSBB 409 Hydroponic Technique in Viticulture 3 0 3
ZSBB 401 Principles of Seed Storage 3 0 3
ZSBB 413 Quality Losses in Horticultural Crops Occurring inPostharvest Period 3 0 3
ZSBB 407 Soilless Culture 3 0 3
ZSBB 404 Vegetable Seed Production Technology andCertifıcation 2 2 3
Total ECTS: 30
2024-2025 Spring Semester
Course Code Course Name Browse T A ECTS
ZBB402 Horticulture Biotechnology 2 0 3
ZBB408 Small Fruits 1 2 3
ZBB406 Temperate Fruit Species II 2 2 4
ZBB414 Thesis 0 4 4
ZBB404 Vegetable Crops II 2 2 4
ZBB412 Viticulture and oenology 1 2 3
ZBB410 Viticulture II 1 2 3
Elective 3
ZSBB 410 Ecophysiology in viticulture 3 0 3
ZSBB 411 Grape Drying Technique 3 0 3
ZSBB 412 Grapevine Biology 3 0 3
ZSBB 403 Growing Media, Fertilization And Watering InGreenhouse 3 0 3
ZSBB 402 Organic Growing in Greenhouse 3 0 3
ZSBB 401 Principles of Seed Storage 3 0 3
ZSBB 413 Quality Losses in Horticultural Crops Occurring inPostharvest Period 3 0 3
ZSBB 407 Soilless Culture 3 0 3
ZSBB 404 Vegetable Seed Production Technology andCertifıcation 2 2 3
Elective(Over All University) You Can Take Courses 3 ECTS from Elective 3
APT304 Apitherapy(Veteriner Fak.-Veteriner) 1 0 3
UNİSEC-FEF 006 Basic Archeology Information(Fen - Edebiyat Fak.-arkeo) 2 0 3
CMSB308 Climatology(Çorlu Müh. Fak.-Çevr.Müh.) 3 0 5
UNİSEC-HF 002 Consumer Rights and Protection(Hukuk Fakültesi-Hukuk) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-İHF 001 Current Faith Problems(İlahiyat Fak.-İlahiyat) 2 0 3
ÇEKO405 Employee Health and Safety(İktisadi ve İdari Bil. Fak.-Çal.Eko.End.İlş) 3 0 5
ÇEKO405 Employee Health and Safety(İktisadi ve İdari Bil. Fak.-Çal.Eko.End.İlş) 3 0 5
UNİSEC-ZF 006 entrepreneurship(Ziraat Fak.-Tar.Ek.) 2 0 3
İŞLB810 Entrepreneurship II (İktisadi ve İdari Bil. Fak.-İşlt.) 3 0 5
CMSB305 Environmental Policies in EU and Turkey(Çorlu Müh. Fak.-Çevr.Müh.) 3 0 5
İŞLB611 Financial Management(İktisadi ve İdari Bil. Fak.-İşlt.) 3 0 5
UNİSEC-ZF 005 Functional Foods(Ziraat Fak.-Gıd.Müh.) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-FEF 010 History of Science(Fen - Edebiyat Fak.-Fizik) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-ZF 014 Hobby Poultry Production(Ziraat Fak.-Zootek.) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-ZF 007 Honey Bee Breeding Techniques(Ziraat Fak.-Tar.Bytek.) 2 0 3
İFS818 Introduction to Arabic(İlahiyat Fak.-İlahiyat) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-ZF 012 Life and Survival in Nature(Ziraat Fak.-Top.Bil.Bit.Bes.) 2 0 3
İFS815 Main Topics in the Qur´an(İlahiyat Fak.-İlahiyat) 2 0 3
VMF104 Medical Photography(Veteriner Fak.-Veteriner) 1 1 3
UNİSEC-ZF 013 Organic Animal Production(Ziraat Fak.-Zootek.) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-ZF 008 Plant Genetic Resources(Ziraat Fak.-Tar.Bytek.) 2 0 3
İFS814 Reading the Qur´an and Tajwid(İlahiyat Fak.-İlahiyat) 2 0 3
IMSB422 Research and Reporting Techniques(Çorlu Müh. Fak.-İnş.Müh.) 3 0 5
MİMS027 Research Methods(Güz. San.,Tas. ve Mim. Fak.-Mimarlık) 3 0 3
İFS817 Siyer-i Nebi(İlahiyat Fak.-İlahiyat) 2 0 3
UNİSEC-TMDK 001 Turkish Music I(Türk Müziği Devlet Kons.-Çalgı Eğitimi) 2 0 3
MLYB701 Turkish Tax System I(İktisadi ve İdari Bil. Fak.-Maliye) 3 0 5
CMSB301 Urbanization and Environmental Impacts(Çorlu Müh. Fak.-Çevr.Müh.) 3 0 5
Toplam AKTS: 30